Parameter | Validation | Matches | Type |
q | min 3 chars | Full Text Search | String |
parliament | min 2 chars | String | |
electoralPeriod | min 1 char | electoralPeriod.data.attributes.number | String |
electoralPeriodID | min 1 char | electoralPeriod.data.id | String |
sessionID | min 1 char | session.data.id | String |
sessionNumber | min 1 char | session.data.attributes.number | String |
dateFrom | date in ISO format (ex. "2017-10-28") | dateStart | String |
dateTo | date in ISO format (ex. "2017-12-22") | dateStart | String |
party | min 1 char | people.data.attributes.party.labelAlternative | String OR Array |
partyID | min 1 char | organisations.data.id | String OR Array |
faction | min 1 char | people.data.attributes.faction.labelAlternative | String OR Array |
factionID | min 1 char | organisations.data.id | String OR Array |
person | min 3 chars | people.data.attributes.label | String |
personID | Wikidata ID RegEx | people.data.id | String OR Array |
abgeordnetenwatchID | min 1 char | people.data.attributes.additionalInformation.abgeordnetenwatchID | String |
organisationID | Wikidata ID RegEx | people.data.attributes.party.id, people.data.attributes.faction.id | String |
context | min 3 chars | people.data.attributes.context, organisations.data.attributes.context | String |
agendaItemID | min 2 chars | agendaItem.data.id | String |
documentID | min 1 char | documents.data.id | String |
termID | min 1 char | terms.data.id | String |
id | min 4 chars | id | String |
Parameter | Validation | Matches | Type |
name | min 3 chars | label, firstName, lastName | String |
type | "memberOfParliament", "unknown" | type | String |
party | min 1 char | organisation.label, organisation.labelAlternative | String OR Array |
partyID | Wikidata ID RegEx | partyOrganisationID | String OR Array |
faction | min 1 char | organisation.label, organisation.labelAlternative | String OR Array |
factionID | Wikidata ID RegEx | factionOrganisationID | String OR Array |
organisationID | Wikidata ID RegEx | factionOrganisationID, partyOrganisationID | String |
degree | min 1 char | degree | String |
gender | "male", "female", "nonbinary", "bi", "queer" | gender | String |
originID | min 1 char | originID | String |
abgeordnetenwatchID | min 1 char | additionalInformation.abgeordnetenwatchID | String |
Parameter | Validation | Matches | Type |
name | min 3 chars | label, labelAlternative, abstract | String OR Array |
type | min 2 chars | type | String |
Parameter | Validation | Matches | Type |
label | min 3 chars | label, labelAlternative, abstract | String OR Array |
type | min 2 chars | type | String |
wikidataID | Wikidata ID RegEx | wikidataID | String |
Parameter | Validation | Matches | Type |
label | min 3 chars | label, labelAlternative | String OR Array |
type | min 2 chars | type | String |
wikidataID | Wikidata ID RegEx | wikidataID | String |
Media IDs contain info about the parliament, electoral period and session. You should however not try to guess those IDs (eg. based on the order of speeches). This might work in some cases, it will not in many others.
Person IDs are always a Wikidata ID.
Organisation IDs are always a Wikidata ID.
Document IDs are internal incremental IDs and contain no reference to the document numbers (like "Drucksache 19/1234"). The rationale for this is that documents can be official documents as well as law texts and potentially other types of documents, sometimes applying to a specific parliament, sometimes generic, sometimes having a Wikidata ID, sometimes not. If you want to get a document by its official document number, you can use the document search.
Term IDs are always a Wikidata ID.
Electoral Period IDs can safely be referenced by the parliament shortcode plus the respective number.
Session IDs can safely be referenced by the parliament shortcode plus the respective numbers.
Agenda Item IDs are built of the parliament shortcode and an incremental ID. You should not try to guess those IDs (eg. based on the order of agenda items). This might work in some cases, it will not in many others.
API Documentation/api
API Endpoint Base URL/api/v1
Responses MUST include the following properties for any request (GET and POST):
"meta": {
"api": {
"version": "1.0",
"documentation": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api",
"license": {
"label": "ODC Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0",
"link": "https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/"
"requestStatus": "success" // OR "error"
"data": [], // {} OR []
"errors": [], // EITHER "data" OR "errors"
"links": {
"self": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api/v1/search/media?q=Rente" // request URL
Successful requests MUST include the following properties:
"meta": {
"api": {
"version": "1.0",
"documentation": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api",
"license": {
"label": "ODC Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0",
"link": "https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/"
"requestStatus": "success"
"data": {},
"links": {
"self": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api/v1/search/media?q=Rente" // request URL
Errors MUST include the following properties:
"meta": {
"api": {
"version": "1.0",
"documentation": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api",
"license": {
"label": "ODC Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0",
"link": "https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/"
"requestStatus": "error"
"errors": [
"meta": {
"domSelector": "" // optional
"status": "422", // HTTP Status
"code": "3",
"title": "Invalid Attribute",
"detail": "First name must contain at least three characters."
"links": {
"self": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api/v1/search/media?q=Rente" // request URL
Data Objects MUST always include the properties:
Additionally Data Objects CAN include the properties:
Depending on the context, the attributes object can only include a subset of all properties. The full set can then be retrieved via an API request to links > self.
This principle SHOULD be applied on all levels of the data structure.
Example for an Entity Response:
"meta": {
"api": {
"version": "1.0",
"documentation": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api",
"license": {
"label": "ODC Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0",
"link": "https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/"
"requestStatus": "success"
"data": {
"type": "media",
"id": "DE-198765837",
"attributes": {},
"relationships": {
"documents": {
"data": [
"type": "document",
"id": "201",
"attributes": {},
"links": {
"self": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api/v1/document/201"
"links": {
"self": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api/v1/searchAnnotations?mediaID=DE-198765837&type=document"
"links": {
"self": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api/v1/media/DE-198765837"
Example for a Search Response:
"meta": {
"api": {
"version": "1.0",
"documentation": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api",
"license": {
"label": "ODC Open Database License (ODbL) v1.0",
"link": "https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/"
"requestStatus": "success",
"results": {
"count": 25,
"total": 128,
"rangeStart": 51,
"rangeEnd": 75,
"maxScore": 4.7654785 /* float or null */
"data": [],
"links": {
"self": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api/v1/search/people?party=CDU&page[number]=3&page[size]=25",
"first": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api/v1/search/people?party=CDU&page[number]=1&page[size]=25",
"prev": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api/v1/search/people?party=CDU&page[number]=2&page[size]=25",
"next": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api/v1/search/people?party=CDU&page[number]=4&page[size]=25",
"last": "https://de.openparliament.tv/api/v1/search/people?party=CDU&page[number]=13&page[size]=25"